"PlanetesQue: The Case of B" solo exhibition by BIEN
"PlanetesQue: The Case of B"
solo exhibition by BIEN
@bien_jap @parceltokyo
2023. 07.22 Sat - 09.03. Sun at PARCEL Design by @heijiroyagi
!!Next exhibition starting on 22th Sat!!
Upcoming solo exhibition by BIEN, "PlanetesQue: The Case of B" will start from Saturday July 22nd at PARCEL.
Opening reception will be on Friday July 21st. This will be the artist's first solo exhibition at PARCEL in two years, since "DUSKDAWNDUST" in 2021.
PARCELでは、7月22日(土)より、BIEN個展「PlanetesQue : The Case of B」を開催いたします。2021年に開催された『DUSKDAWNDUST』から、PARCELでは2年ぶりの個展となります。
More info: https://parceltokyo.jp/exhibition/planetesque-the-case-of-b/